Supporting a circular economy

Traditionally, the world operates in a linear economy—raw materials are used to make products, which are then used and disposed of as waste. A circular economy focuses on making the most of the world’s resources by providing end-of-life solutions to reduce, reuse, and recycle products and materials that typically end up in landfills and waterways.
For manufacturers, there’s a lot to consider when making the shift to circular processes or materials. Eastman has developed a unique platform of solutions focused on minimizing waste and maximizing value to support the evolution of the circular economy. Our portfolio of circular solutions includes:
Advanced circular recycling (ACR)
This operation involves chemical recycling on a broadly mixed stream of polyester-family polymers using a process called methanolysis. Through methanolysis, polyester materials are taken back to their polymer building blocks. These building blocks can then be reintroduced to the production of new polyester-based polymers, delivering a true circular solution. ACR takes low-quality polyester waste that would typically be diverted to landfills and instead recycles it into high-quality polyesters suitable for use in a variety of end markets.
Carbon renewal technology (CRT)
This technology helps divert materials such as flexible packaging and plastic films away from landfills. By modifying the front end of Eastman’s cellulosics production stream, CRT converts plastic waste back to simple and versatile molecular components. The process partially oxidizes the waste plastic, converting the feedstock input at very high efficiency back into the basic building blocks of Eastman’s cellulosics product lines that serves an array of industries.
As the world transforms, these new technologies will help unlock value in waste plastics, which currently cannot be recycled or are difficult to recycle. For more information on Eastman’s role in the circular economy, visit our website!